Why Mothers need REKS®Sunglassess
Mothers lead busy lives, often taking care of their families and homes while also pursuing their careers. Many working mothers spend a significant amount of time outdoors as part of their job responsibilities, including sales representatives, construction workers, landscape architects, etc. In such cases, REKS® sunglasses can provide much-needed eye protection against the harmful effects of UV radiation and glare while also withstanding the demands of a physically active work environment.
Having unbreakable sunglasses is an additional benefit giving busy Moms one less thing to worry about.. Working mothers need sunglasses that are durable and won't easily break if accidentally dropped or sat on. REKS® sunglasses provide the necessary durability for working mothers to feel confident that their sunglasses won't break. Additionally, the cost savings associated with not having to replace sunglasses frequently is a practical advantage for moms who need reliable eye protection on a daily basis. In summary, having unbreakable sunglasses is a practical and useful feature that complements the essential eye protection, glare reduction, and fashion benefits of sunglasses for busy working mothers.